
La Cour des Dames


用Sommelier Wine Awards(英國葡萄酒比賽,評委是來自餐飲業和侍酒師的專業人士)比賽而來的獎牌來肯定La Cour des Dames莊園陽光下的葡萄園

La Cour des Dames熱情邀您與葡萄酒共舞,共同參與來自美妙的南法柔美的…

  • Mourvèdre 2018 / Gold medal: ‘Lovely perfume, with violet, blackberry, thyme and rosemary, and a palate that’s full-bodied and concentrated, with some chocolate notes and a long, fresh finish. Great value too.’ ‘Ripe and fresh red and dark fruits here, with some real substance to the palate. This would make a good winter house wine.’ 
  • Sauvignon Blanc 2019 / Silver medal: ‘Greengage, citrus and floral notes lead to a fresh yet concentrated, citrus-led palate.’ ‘Juicy and fresh, with light mineral notes and some nectarine and red apple notes.’ ‘With light aromas of citrus, grass and spring flowers, this is a friendly summer wine with gentle acidity.’ 
  • Syrah 2019/Silver medal ‘Vibrant, juicy red berry fruit, with some floral notes and a touch of sage, all accompanied by some mouth-watering acidity.’ ‘A nicely coffee-oaked nose, leading to a nicely toasted black cherry palate. Sausages, please.’
  • Viognier 2019  / Bronze medal: ‘A great example of Viognier from the Languedoc in a good year. An aromatic wine with some fruit, and showing some great value for money.’ ‘With notes of melon, apricot and citrus blossom, this is easy and fresh.’ ‘Perfect – loving the balance of this wine.’ 

2020 La Cour des Dames Cabernet Sauvignon

葡萄生長在法國南部朗格多克地區不同類型的土壤,塞文山脈山麓(帶來香料和水果 的香氣,以及圓潤度)-奧德山谷(結構和餘韻)葡萄藤被種植在山谷中平均海拔150米的含有鵝卵石的酸性土壤中,為葡萄酒帶來煙燻味。
葡萄酒呈漂亮的深紅色,優雅、複雜,天鵝絨般柔和。它散發出黑醋栗和草莓的香氣,帶有淡淡的香料、肉桂、薄荷 和蜂蜜的香味,以及這個葡萄品種典型的 清新植物味。
餐酒搭配:適飲溫度為17-18°C,配以牧羊人派、焗烤、燉菜、烤肉、牛小排、黑椒牛排 或小羊里脊…⋯

2017 La Cour des Dames Viognier


