Franz Haas – Pinot Nero Schweizer 2020 史威勒 精選黑皮諾紅葡萄酒
Franz Haas是義大利最具知名的黑皮諾專家,家族釀酒上百年,終於在他手上開花結果,他在1990年代就看到地球暖化會對釀酒帶來深遠的影響,他的解決方法就是讓他的葡萄去適應更高山的氣候,高山的低溫可以延長葡萄的生長期,這款Schweizer史威勒的葡萄種植海拔遍佈於阿爾卑斯山的350米-700米,土壤多樣性,從砂土、石灰石、礫石乃至泥質土壤等都有。
酒莊由侍酒大師 Larry Stone、David Honig 以及 Dominique Lafon 聯手創辦,靈感來自於 Larry Stone 於 2012 年購入的 Eola-Amity Hills 地區優秀葡萄園。擔任酒莊總管的 Thomas Savre 曾在法國勃根地數家頂尖酒莊擔任釀酒和葡萄園管理作業,善於展現葡萄園每一塊風土的年份特色。
這款葡萄酒的葡萄來自Lingua Franca Estate和周邊優秀葡萄園,包括Hope Well和South Salem Hills到Yamhill-Carlton,反映了該地區的特色。葡萄手工採摘、篩選和去梗,然後以桶為單位放入中型和大型的不鏽鋼和水泥發酵罐中,並使用野生酵母進行自然發酵。其中10%的葡萄未去梗,以整串放入密封罐中。葡萄酒在27%的新和73%的老法國橡木桶中陳釀12個月,並在裝瓶前在罐中進行最終的混合。
Château Lafite Rothschild is a wine estate in the Pauillac region of the Médoc, producing one of the most sought-after and expensive red wines in the world. Lafite Rothschild is known for its perfume, elegance, finesse and harmony, in contrast to the more powerful Latour and Mouton Rothschild. Nevertheless, great vintages can age for 50 years or more.
The estate began to earn its reputation as a winemaking property in the late 1600s; by the second half of the following century it was known as “The King’s Wine” at Versailles, and had a strong following in London. The acclaim did not diminish and in the 1855 Bordeaux Classification Lafite was ranked a first growth. It was bought by Baron James de Rothschild in 1868. Throughout much of the 20th Century, despite many sublime wines, Lafite Rothschild was regarded as an inconsistent producer but since the mid-1990s it has become more reliable – in fact, it regularly makes claims for wine of the vintage.