品牌 法國酒

Robert Chevillon

Nuits-Saint-Georges區頂尖的釀造者,8塊1er Cru全都在村內,完整呈現該區強烈特色。

Critics have rated this as the best available among Nuits-Saint-Georges Les Saint-Georges wines.

Priced in the top 20% for red wines from Nuits-Saint-Georges Les Saint-Georges. The price has been rising over the past two years.

This is the third most sought-after wine from the region (in terms of user searches). Greater numbers of users have been searching for this wine compared to a year ago.(以上取自wine-searcher評語)

Chevillon酒莊最酒莊最著名的的三個地塊分別為 Nuits St Goerges Les Cailles、Les Vaucrains和 Les Saint- Georges,平均樹齡皆在75年之上,其他的一級園也都是樹齡50年以上的老籐。

Robert Parker: 稱讚Chevillon是“the king of Nuits-St-Georges”