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Brunello di Montalcino DOCG

👍 2018年份勇奪百大第一

艾吉安諾(Argiano)酒莊自1888年起,就開始選用莊園最好的桑嬌維榭(Sangiovese)葡萄品種來釀造此款布魯內羅紅葡萄酒(Brunello di Montalcino, 全世界最有名的紅葡萄酒之一)。並透過不同橡木桶的熟成,使其酒體結構圓潤飽滿,深具複雜性,達成完美的平衡。



葡萄園:平均葡萄藤齡12-55年。土壤組成為泥灰岩、古老黏土,富含石灰石。海拔高度280-310公尺。採傳統種植法(Cordon Spur-trained),有機耕作,每株葡萄藤祇生產少量葡萄。




酒精濃度:14.5% vol.



Production area: Montalcino, Toscana

Grape: 100% Sangiovese.

Vineyard: From 12 to 55 years old. Soil: Marl, ancient clay with high-level of limestone. Altitude: From 280 to 310 meters a.s.l. Training System: Spurred Cordon, organic farming, small quantity of grapes per vine.

Vinification: Cold soaked prior to fermentation to extract color and aromatics. Spontaneous fermentation over the course of two weeks in temperature controlled stainless steel tanks. Malolactic fermentation occurred naturally in cement tanks Aging: Aging of about 30 months in Slavonian oak barrels of different capacity (10/15/30/50 Hl). Bottling ocurred in April/May during the most favorable moon phases. Long aging in bottle.

Color: Deep red garnet

Aroma: The nose is broad and complex, yet clean and fresh, with classic hints of red fruit mixed with notes of aromatic herbs and spices.

Taste: In the mouth, the wine is broad, robust, and savory, with silky tannins and a long, fresh finish.

Alcohol content: 14.5% vol.             Serving temp.: 18-20°C

Food matched: Red Meat, Aged Cheese, Roasted and Grilled Meat.