
拉菲 Lafite 20世紀的四大年份之一:1986

1986 年拉菲傳奇再現:100 分滿分榮耀

1986 Chateau Lafite-Rothschild Bordeaux – 100 Pts!

Château Lafite Rothschild is a wine estate in the Pauillac region of the Médoc, producing one of the most sought-after and expensive red wines in the world. Lafite Rothschild is known for its perfume, elegance, finesse and harmony, in contrast to the more powerful Latour and Mouton Rothschild. Nevertheless, great vintages can age for 50 years or more.

The estate began to earn its reputation as a winemaking property in the late 1600s; by the second half of the following century it was known as “The King’s Wine” at Versailles, and had a strong following in London. The acclaim did not diminish and in the 1855 Bordeaux Classification Lafite was ranked a first growth. It was bought by Baron James de Rothschild in 1868. Throughout much of the 20th Century, despite many sublime wines, Lafite Rothschild was regarded as an inconsistent producer but since the mid-1990s it has become more reliable – in fact, it regularly makes claims for wine of the vintage.

拉菲酒莊(Château Lafite Rothschild)位於波爾多梅多克產區的波雅克村,是全球最炙手可熱、價格昂貴的紅葡萄酒之一。拉菲以其香氣撲鼻、優雅細緻、和諧平衡的風格著稱,與同屬波爾多五大酒莊的拉圖(Latour)和木桐(Mouton Rothschild)的強勁風格形成鮮明對比。然而,偉大的年份拉菲可以窖藏50年以上。

拉菲酒莊自 17 世紀晚期開始建立其釀酒聲譽,到 18 世紀下半葉,它已成為凡爾賽宮的「御用葡萄酒」,並在倫敦擁有強大的追隨者。其聲譽不減,在 1855 年波爾多分級中被評為一級莊。1868 年被羅斯柴爾德家族的詹姆斯男爵收購。儘管 20 世紀的大部分時間裡,拉菲酒莊雖然釀造出許多卓越的葡萄酒,但被認為生產不穩定,然而自 1990 年代中期以來,拉菲變得更加可靠,事實上,它經常被評為該年份最佳葡萄酒。

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